Pet First Visit
Emergency & Urgent Care
239-777-7387 (PETS)
Your Pet's First Visit
What to Expect
Once you decide to visit Concierge Veterinary Hospital of Naples. Our doctors generally see appointments, perform diagnostic and therapeutic procedures all day long. We recommend that your pet is fasted the night before the appointment (no food after 10 pm, water is okay) in order to have the flexibility to perform additional diagnostics, if necessary. Please bring all medications that your pet is taking to the appointment. In most cases, your previous veterinarian will fax over your pet’s records directly to us however if you have any other records, please bring them with you.
The Examination Process
A vet tech will first greet you and your pet and obtain a brief history. The doctor will be in shortly thereafter; he or she will speak with you to gain a thorough understanding of your pet’s condition and then perform a comprehensive physical examination. Next the doctor will present a diagnostic and treatment plan complete with discussion about possible prognoses associated with the anticipated disease process affecting your pet. In most cases, the tests can be performed the same day as your pet’s initial appointment. Finally, a vet tech will discuss an estimate of projected costs associated with the planned diagnostics and treatments. The staff at Concierge Veterinary Hospital will be sure to answer all of your questions so that you feel comfortable with our recommendations and care.
Our staff will maintain open communication with you regarding your pet’s condition. If your pet is hospitalized, you will receive an update at least once daily.