General Services

Emergency & Urgent Care

239-777-7387 (PETS)

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Veterinary Hospital's General Services

Our Hospital is a full-service, privately-owned veterinary hospital. Open 7 days a week, we specialize in providing exceptional veterinary services to small animals in Southwest Florida.

Our animal hospital in Naples is equipped with state of the art equipment and the latest technology in order to provide the best service and professional care possible.

Naples veterinarian hospital
Naples veterinarian hospital


Having your pet undergo a procedure requiring anesthesia can be very stressful. There are risks associated with any anesthetic event. Therefore all patients, regardless of age receive pre-operative bloodwork testing to minimize any associated risks. ​We use the safest available anesthetic agents and each patient is thoroughly monitored during the entire process. We use multiple monitoring devices for continual monitoring of cardiac and respiratory function providing a high standard of quality care for each patient.
Naples veterinarian hospital


Cardiac Diagnostics
Heart disease can be life-threatening to your pet; therefore, accurately diagnosing the severity of heart disease is critical to treating and maintaining your pet’s quality of life. Diagnosing cardiac disease properly requires an electrocardiogram, chest radiographs and ultrasound to determine the full extent of cardiac disease.

Electrocardiogram (ECG)
Many heart abnormalities can be diagnosed by an electrocardiogram (ECG). This diagnostic procedure aids our doctors in assessing heart rate, heart rhythms, and in diagnosing many cardiac abnormalities that can affect your pet. It is part of our comprehensive cardiac diagnostics, but can also be used as a screening tool to check your pet for arrhythmias. All of our anesthetized patients are monitored with a digital ECG during the procedure, and a printed ECG is often utilized when diagnosing various heart conditions.

Thoracic Radiography
Images of your pets chest are essential to helping our Veterinarian’s evaluate the size of the heart and major vessels along with any lung or airway abnormalities that may be present concurrently. Typically three survey views are taken for initial evaluation, and other views if certain areas of the chest need to be evaluated.

Cardiac Ultrasound (Echocardiography)
An ultrasound of the heart allows the veterinarian to view the inside of the heart at the valves and chambers that control blood flow. Cardiomyopathies and certain valvular diseases can be diagnosed and be treated more specifically based on the information we obtain from the echocardiogram.

Naples veterinarian hospital

Dermatology and Allergy Testing

What is allergy testing?
Allergy testing tells us to which allergens your pet is allergic to. We use this information to better understand the pet’s allergies and to design an allergy serum (or allergy vaccine, immunotherapy, desensitization.) Allergy testing can be performed by a skin test (intradermal allergy test, or IDAT) and or a blood allergy test. We begin with a blood screening initially because it is a simple blood sample with little effect on your pet. Allergy testing is used for making a diagnosis of allergies and for designing immunotherapy. The diagnosis of atopy/inhalant allergies is made by ruling out all other causes of itching and infections first. 

We draw a blood sample and submit it to a special laboratory for evaluation of the allergic antibodies in your pet’s blood. These results are back to us in approximately 2 weeks.

What about “allergy injections” or “allergy drops?”
Based on the results of the skin and blood allergy test results, we can formulate an “allergy serum” or “allergen-specific immunotherapy.” Immunotherapy involves giving the pet injections or oral drops of the things they reacted to in small but increasing quantities. Over time, the effort with this is to “retrain” the pet’s immune system to be less reactive to those allergens and prevent the signs of the allergy from happening.

Not all pets respond to the immunotherapy; approximately 70% of dogs and 50-60% of cats respond to those injections. The response to allergy serum is best when based on results of both the skin and blood test. Doing both tests gives us the most information for your individual pets’ needs.

What about a food allergy?
We do not perform skin or blood testing for food allergies. The best way to diagnose or rule out a food allergy is to do a restricted diet for a specified time period as directed

Naples veterinarian hospital


Veterinary Dentistry
According to the AVMA, it is estimated that 80% of dogs and 70% of cats have some form of dental disease by 3 years of age. Dental disease is more than just “doggy breath”. The progression of gingivitis and periodontal disease can lead to infections of the heart valves, kidneys, and liver!

These problems can be prevented with regular dental check-ups and dental cleanings. Concierge Veterinary Hospital of Naples offers comprehensive oral assessments and treatments, which includes ultrasonic cleaning and polishing, dental radiographs, and tooth extractions as needed. Our veterinarians can discuss home dental care options with you to help keep your pet’s teeth in the best possible condition. Between cleanings, you can brush your pet’s teeth at home to help keep them healthy all year long. There are also a variety of treats, toys and drinking water additives designed to help keep your pet’s teeth and gums healthy.


Our process begins with an oral exam of your pet’s mouth by one of our veterinarians. Radiographs may be needed to evaluate the health of the jaw and the tooth roots below the gum line. It is below the gum lime that where most dental disease begins. A thorough dental cleaning and evaluation are performed under anesthesia. Dental cleaning includes scaling to remove dental plaque and tartar and polishing, similar to the process used on your own teeth during your regular dental cleanings.

Oral health in dogs and cats
Your pet’s teeth should be checked at least once a year by your veterinarian for early signs of a problem and to keep your pet’s mouth healthy.

Have your pet’s teeth checked sooner if you observe any of the following problems:

  • Bad breath
  • Broken or loose teeth
  • Extra teeth or retained baby teeth
  • Teeth that are discolored or covered in tartar
  • Abnormal chewing, drooling, or dropping food from the mouth
  • Reduced appetite or refusal to eat
  • Pain in or around the mouth
  • Bleeding from the mouth
  • Swelling in the areas surrounding the mouth

Some pets become irritable when they have dental problems, and any changes in your pet’s behavior should prompt a visit to your veterinarian. Always be careful when evaluating your pet’s mouth, because a painful animal may bite.

Causes of pet dental problems
Although cavities are less common in pets than in people, they can have many of the same dental problems that people can develop:

  • Broken teeth and roots
  • Periodontal disease
  • Abscesses or infected teeth
  • Cysts or tumors in the mouth
  • Malocclusion, or misalignment of the teeth and bite
  • Broken (fractured) jaw
  • Palate defects (such as cleft palate)

Periodontal disease is the most common dental condition in dogs and cats – by the time your pet is 3 years old, he or she will very likely have some early evidence of periodontal disease, which will worsen as your pet grows older if effective preventive measures aren’t taken. Early detection and treatment are critical, because advanced periodontal disease can cause severe problems and pain for your pet. Periodontal disease doesn’t just affect your pet’s mouth. Other health problems found in association with periodontal disease include kidney, liver, and heart muscle changes.

We always provide a comprehensive oral health assessment and treatment plan for pets when their teeth are cleaned. Digital dental images with periodontal probing helps with our assessments. In fact, two thirds of our pets’ teeth are under the gingiva (gums) and are not visible.Digital dental radiographs allow assessment of:

  • the teeth (fractures or internal disease)
  • the surrounding soft tissues (periodontal disease, stomatitis, cysts, draining tracks, facial swellings, fistulas or tumors)
  • the joints (TMJ or mandibular symphysis)
  • the bone (jaw fractures)

X-rays allow us to find problems that need attention. Studies have shown that without dental images, significant problems are missed in up to 75% of pets.

We always diagnose first before creating a treatment plan for each patient. Digital dental images will help us do that by replacing a guess with a diagnosis, and allowing for the correct treatment to be optimally performed.

Why does dentistry require anesthesia?
When you go to the dentist, you know that what’s being done is meant to help you and keep your mouth healthy. Your dentist uses techniques to minimize pain and discomfort and can ask you how you are feeling, so you accept the procedures and do your best to keep still. Your pet does not understand the benefit of dental procedures, and he or she reacts by moving, trying to escape, or even biting.

Anestesia makes it possible to perform the dental procedures with less stress and pain for your pet. In addition, anesthesia allows for a better cleaning because your pet is not moving around and risking injury from the dental equipment. If radiographs are needed, your pet needs to be very still in order to get good images, and this is unlikely without heavy sedation or anesthesia. Although anesthesia will always have risks, it’s safer now than ever and continues to improve so that the risks are very low and are far outweighed by the benefits. Most pets can go home the same day of the procedure, although they might seem a little groggy for the rest of the day.

Naples veterinarian hospital


Concierge Veterinary Hospital of Naples is a privately owned, general practice providing additional auxiliary veterinary services on emergency and urgent care basis to our community.   We are here for emergency and urgent care needs if you veterinarian is unavailable or your hospital is not open.
We are currently only offering these services during normal business hours but we are very accommodating and are willing and able to see you right away. We do not believe in making our client’s wait, especially when your fur baby is in need. If possible please try to call us so we can anticipate your need to expedite time at 239-777-7387. 

If indicated, we will suggest immediate first aid measures, and then give you specific directions to our facility. As a general practice, we also offer non-emergency services such as vaccinations, spaying, neutering and preventative medicine. We are also breeder friendly and will help guide you through a successful litter if the need presents itself.  

Our Primary Goal
We provide intensive care facilities for patients that are critically ill or injured.  Some of the emergency situations we encounter are: injuries associated with bone fractures, pets hit by cars, snakebites, seizures, poisonings, burns, electrocutions, near-drownings, shock, heat stroke, heart or breathing failure, bleeding, vomiting, diarrhea, difficulty giving birth, and inability to pass urine.
Our services also provide prompt relief from other mishaps or ailments that may not be life threatening, but are painful or a cause for concern on the part of the pet owner.

Emergency Priorities
On many occasions, CVHFL experiences a surge of emergencies. Our admitting staff triages all incoming patients and identifies those that have a life threatening condition. Those patients are immediately taken in and lifesaving measures are promptly initiated. In these situations, less critical cases may be asked to wait. We will examine all pets presented to us in as short a time as possible. Your patience and understanding are appreciated. 

Extended Care for Your Pet
Although some pets may be released to go home within a few hours of admission, many may require hospitalization, treatment, and tests. Your pets medical records will be faxed to your regular veterinary hospital, or to the hospital of your choice, if you decide on transferring to a specialty hospital or your regular family veterinarian.

Naples veterinarian hospital

Exotic Pets

Concierge Veterinary Hospital  provides veterinary care for birds, reptiles, amphibians, rabbits, rodents, hedgehogs, sugar gliders, ferrets, exotic mammals, fish, and invertebrates.

Exotic pets have very specific environmental, nutritional and enrichment needs. Whether you are interested in researching what a new pet may need or if you’re looking to improve your pet’s diet and care, these links offer general guidelines to keep them happy and healthy. When you bring your pet in for an exam at our clinic, our doctors and technicians can go over any specific questions you may have about the species-specific recommendations to help you best care for your pet. Many species of birds have very long lifespans. Keeping them happy and healthy for their entire lives requires proper nutrition, husbandry and veterinary care. Annual physical exams are essential for companion birds. This is because most companion bird species are prey animals in the wild, and will hide signs of illness. Our veterinarians routinely examine and treat many species of small exotic mammals, including rodents, rabbits, guinea pigs, chinchillas, hedgehogs, and sugar gliders.

Basic Care Recommendations
We recommend that all species are fed a nutritionally balanced diet specific to the needs of your pet. Feeding a food formulated for a different species is not recommended. Block or pelleted diets tend to be more nutritionally balanced and don’t allow your pet to pick and chose only the tastiest (and usually more fattening) items. Appropriate habitats are commercially available or can be homemade for many species. When providing homemade habitats, please take into account that some species need vertical space as well as an escape-proof habitat. Bedding choices are also important. Pine and cedar shavings can be toxic to small mammals and should be avoided.

Ferret Care
Ferrets are a popular pet in the United States and are very playful and entertaining to watch. Ferrets are carnivores and have specific nutritional needs. They should be kept in an appropriate cage when not supervised, and the environment should be “ferret proofed” before allowing them to roam. They should always be closely supervised since they have a talent for getting into trouble! Most pet ferrets are spayed and neutered before they arrive at pet stores. They are susceptible to canine distemper and rabies and should be vaccinated annually for both. We recommend annual wellness visits to help keep your ferret happy and healthy throughout its life. Adrenal disease is quite common in ferrets and can be treated and well managed if diagnosed early. Ferrets live an average of 6-8 years, and the males tend to be larger than the females. You can expect your pet ferret to sleep for about 16 hours a day and be more active in the mornings and evenings. They have a keen sense of smell and a reputation for being “thieves”.

Naples veterinarian hospital

Pain Management

The practice of high-quality veterinary medicine focuses on the entire patient , from medical issues that affect physical functioning, to emotional and psychological issues that affect well-being. 

Experiencing pain can affect the body’s physical functioning and can have a detrimental effect on a patient’s well-being and state of mind. That’s why pain management is among our primary considerations when we are treating a pet for any medical condition.

From routine procedures (such as a spays or dental cleanings), to more advanced medical treatments (such as bone surgeries or cancer treatments), to chronically painful conditions (such as arthritis or back pain), we are dedicated to providing safe and effective pain management to every patient. 

We will also help you recognize signs of pain in your pet so that we can modify his or her pain management plan when necessary.

Recognizing and alleviating pain in our patients is at the very heart of quality, compassionate patient care. We don’t take pain management for granted and will employ all our skills to help ensure your pet’s comfort, well-being, and full recovery.

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Digital Radiology
Concierge Veterinary Hospital of Naples offers both dental and full body digital x-rays to better diagnose and treat healthy, sick or injured pets.

Digital radiography provides images without the use of conventional film. This allows for the highest-quality images, while providing the lowest possible exposure of radiation to your pet. Digital images can be computer enhanced to increase detail allowing our veterinarians to see fine detail and subtle changes.

Benefits of Digital images over Traditional Film

  • Images are obtained much more quickly and with greater accuracy.
  • Fewer retakes are required, resulting in less radiation exposure for both the patient as well as the staff.
  • Images can be easily and quickly sent to other veterinarians, including board-certified veterinary radiologists, allowing us to get results in a matter of hours rather than days.
  • Records can be stored electronically and are protected from damage or loss.
  • The chemical processing step required to develop traditional film x-rays is eliminated, creating a huge reduction in chemical usage and hazardous waste.
  • Digital x-ray allows us to provide superior care to our patients and supports our goal of progressive, high-quality medicine.

Radiography is the use of radiographs to view internal structures in the body. When paired with advanced technology, we are able to enhance the diagnostic ability of our digital radiography. OFA radiographs can also be used to evaluate both hips and elbows of your dog. These technologies allow bones and internal organs to be visualized and aid in the diagnoses of many diseases and conditions

we always provide a comprehensive oral health assessment and treatment plan for pets when their teeth are cleaned. Digital dental images with periodontal probing helps with our assessments. In fact, two thirds of our pets’ teeth are under the gingiva (gums) and are not visible.Digital dental radiographs allow assessment of:

  • the teeth (fractures or internal disease)
  • the surrounding soft tissues (periodontal disease, stomatitis, cysts, draining tracks, facial swellings, fistulas or tumors)
  • the joints (TMJ or mandibular symphysis)
  • the bone (jaw fractures)

X-rays allow us to find problems that need attention. Studies have shown that without dental images, significant problems are missed in up to 75% of pets.

We always diagnose first before creating a treatment plan for each patient. Digital dental images will help us do that by replacing a guess with a diagnosis, and allowing for the correct treatment to be optimally performed.

Naples veterinarian hospital

Reproductive Services

We are proud to offer one of the few Veterinary Canine Reproduction programs in SW Florida. We have extensive experience and training in many reproduction techniques and she works closely with breeders to decide what is best for their breeding program. Below are some of the reproductive services we offer. 

  • Breeding Soundness Evaluation Infertility Diagnostics
  • Pre-Breeding Screening
  • Semen analysis
  • Artificial Insemination
  • Pregnancy Evaluation
  • Infertility Diagnostics
  • Vaginal exams
  • Timing of breeding to maximize the likelihood of conception
  • Brucellosis Testing
  • Breeding management and nutrition
  • Vaginal cytology
  • In house progesterone testing
  • Surgical implantation of semen
  • Cesarean section
  • High risk pregnancy management
  • Neonate management preemie care
  • Ultrasonography
  • OFA screening
  • and CHIC testing for your parent breed
Naples veterinarian hospital


Concierge Veterinary Hospital of Naples has a modern surgical suite available to meet most of our patients’ surgical needs. We routinely perform spay and neuter procedures on cats and dogs. Our surgical services include but are not limited to growth removals, ocular surgeries, foreign body removal, wound repair, ear hematoma surgery and orthopedic procedures.

Spaying and Neutering your companion animals will help to alleviate the epidemic of unwanted, homeless animals in our areas shelters, pounds, and SPCAs. Not to mention the health benefits your precious pet will receive. The incidence of mammary tumors in female cats and dogs can be practically eliminated if they are spayed before they go into heat for the first time. Each heat cycle that a female dog or cat experiences increase the chances of her developing a tumor at some point in her life. Males dogs and cats can benefit too! Intact males have a greater chance of developing enlarged prostate glands and testicular cancer. Behaviorally, your male dog or cat will be less likely to engage in urine marking, become aggressive towards other males, roam in search of available intact females, and display mounting behavior. Spaying and Neutering are standard surgical procedures that are routinely performed at CVHFL.

As with any surgery, your pet is monitored by our team throughout the entire procedure. Our veterinarians can spay or neuter select exotic pets as well. We have experience performing these procedures on select small exotic mammals.

Growth Removal
Many companion animals are seen in vets offices because an owner has noticed an abnormal growth on their furry friend. Some growths are concerning and others are insignificant. Some growths, usually on the skin surface, are checked and the owner is instructed to monitor the growth for sudden changes, or rapid growth. Unless this type of growth is irritating to the pet or hinders the pet in any way, we may not recommend removing it. However, when the growth is under the skin and we can not see exactly what it looks like, your veterinarian may recommend removing it and having the growth tested. Surgical removal of abnormal growths on pets is commonly performed at CVHFL. In most cases, we recommend sending a sample of the growth to a referral laboratory for complete identification. This gives our veterinarians information about the cause of the growth and the likelihood of it spreading or returning.

Aural Hematoma
An aural hematoma is a localized collection of blood outside of blood vessels. In cats and dogs, it is typically in the visible part of the ear that resides outside of the head, the pinna. Trauma, excessive scratching, and shaking of the head are common causes of hematomas in companion animals. We recommend surgery to open and drain the hematoma and remove clots. Sutures are then used to tack the skin layers to eliminate any space for more blood to accumulate. The cause of the initial irritation needs to be determined and treated to reduce the chances of recurrence. Diligent aftercare is required to ensure proper healing and reduce scarring.

Ocular (eye)
Squinting can be a sign of a minor irritation or a severe problem that needs immediate medical attention. A full ophthalmic exam should be performed any time your pet is having problems with its eyes. Our clinic is equipped to perform such an evaluation on many different species of companion pets. Our veterinarians are experienced in many ocular surgeries and procedures. Some procedures commonly performed are:

  • Entropion – a condition in which the eyelid (usually the lower lid) folds inward, potentially causing irritation or trauma to the cornea.
  • Ectropion – a condition in which the lower eyelid turns outwards, usually a genetic condition common in several hound breeds, St. Bernard dogs and Cocker Spaniels, but can also be the result of trauma or nerve damage.
  • Cherry eye – the term used to refer to canine nictitans gland prolapse, or third eyelid prolapse. It is common in the following breeds: Bulldog, Chihuahua, Cocker Spaniel, Beagle, Pekingese, Neapolitan Mastiff, and Basset Hound, but can occur in any breed.
  • Enucleation – As a last resort, removal of the eye may be needed due to trauma, tumors, or ocular pain associated with the disease.

Orthopedic problems are quite common in companion animals; they can be caused by trauma, cancer, or genetics. The veterinarians at CVHFL can perform select orthopedic procedures to improve the quality of life of your pets. From amputation, to fracture repair, to cruciate ligament repair, our DVMs are here to meet most of your pets orthopedic needs.

Having your pet undergo a procedure requiring anesthesia can be very stressful. There are risks associated with any anesthetic event. Therefore all patients, regardless of age receive pre-operative bloodwork testing to minimize any associated risks. We use the safest available anesthetic agents and each patient is thoroughly monitored during the entire process. We use multiple monitoring devices for continual monitoring of cardiac and respiratory function providing a high standard of quality care for each patient. 

Naples veterinarian hospital


Concierge Veterinary Hospital is proud to announce our partnership with Idexx Telemedicine Services. Together, we can now offer specialty telemedicine services with immediate access to Board Certified Veterinary Specialist is:

  • Cardiology
  • Dermatology
  • Dentistry
  • Avian/ Exotic/ Pocket Pet 
  • Internal Medicine
  • Radiology

Often times, waiting for appointment’s with local specialists can take days or weeks. If your pet is not critical, sometimes even longer. Not with CVHFL. We will accommodate your appointment immediately. We can offer fast, reliable service we all can trust. The veterinary telemedicine consulting services offered by Idexx are specifically designed to help veterinarians improve the speed and quality of animal health care. The board-certified specialists provide both thorough and timely consultations for client’s pets and also allows us to treat a wide variety of species when many hospitals will not.

We can selectively treat avians, exotics and pocket pets.

When making a clinical decision, time is of the essence, you benefit from accurate and reliable telemedicine consults delivered rapidly anytime you need them.  

With our Idexx Telemedicine consultation service, we have access to the same class of veterinary specialists commonly found only at large universities or often times, corporately owned veterinary referral centers. You wont have to wait days or weeks for an appointment, We can get you right in to our hospital and start the process immediately, relieving stress and offering you peace of mind knowing that a team board certified specialists and a dedicated support team are available when you need them.  This level of service is unsurpassed in the industry.  

With our digital radiology, ultrasonography and CardioPet ECG device, obtaining rapid and accurate cardiac diagnostics and submitting them for consultation has never been easier

Naples veterinarian hospital


An ultrasound examination, also known as ultrasonography, is a non-invasive imaging technique that allows internal body structures to be seen by recording echoes or reflections of ultrasonic waves. Unlike x-rays, which are potentially dangerous, ultrasound waves are considered to be safe.

Ultrasound equipment directs a narrow beam of high frequency sound waves into the area of interest. The sound waves may be transmitted through, reflected or absorbed by the tissues that they encounter. “Ultrasound waves that are reflected will return as “echoes” to the probe, and are converted into an image.”The ultrasound waves that are reflected will return as “echoes” to the probe, and are converted into an image that is displayed on the monitor, giving a 2-dimensional “picture” of the tissues under examination.

The technique is invaluable for the examination of internal organs and was first used in veterinary medicine for pregnancy diagnosis. However, the technique is also extremely useful in evaluating heart conditions and identifying changes in abdominal organs. Ultrasonography is very useful in the diagnosis of cysts and tumors.

Does the technique have any drawbacks?
“Ultrasound waves will not pass through air.” Ultrasound examinations are of little value in examining organs that contain air. Ultrasound waves will not pass through air and therefore it cannot be used to examine normal lungs. Bone also stops ultrasound waves, so the brain and spinal cord are unable to be seen with an ultrasound study, and obviously, bones cannot be examined.

Are there different forms of ultrasound?
“Examine abdominal structures, perform pregnancy diagnosis, evaluate cardiac function and examine the eyes.” M-mode (motion-mode) is a type of B-mode in which a tracing of the motion of the  structure being scanned is displayed. A combination of M-mode and 2-dimensional ultrasound are used for examining the heart walls, chambers and valves to evaluate cardiac function. Cardiac ultrasonography is usually referred to as echocardiography. Doppler ultrasound is a specialized form of cardiac ultrasound in which the direction and speed of blood flow in the heart and blood vessels can be measured. Color-flow Doppler technology makes it even easier to observe the flow of blood through the heart and important blood vessels.

Will my dog have to have an anesthetic?
“Anesthesia is not usually needed… the technique is totally painless.”Anesthesia is not usually needed for most ultrasound examinations, unless biopsies are to be taken. The technique is totally painless and most dogs will lie comfortably while the scan is being performed. Occasionally, if the dog is very frightened or fractious, a sedative may be necessary.

Is it necessary to shave my dog’s fur?
In most cases, the fur must be shaved to perform an ultrasound examination. Since ultrasound waves are not transmitted through air, it is imperative that the hand-held probe makes complete contact with the skin. In some cases, such as pregnancy diagnosis, it may be possible to get adequate images by moistening the hair with rubbing alcohol and applying a copious amount of water-soluble ultrasound gel.
“Ultrasound images will be of better quality if the area to be examined is shaved.” However, in all cases, the ultrasound images will be of better quality if the area to be examined is shaved.

When will I know the results of the examination?
Since an ultrasound study is performed in real time, the results of what is seen are known immediately. In some cases, the ultrasound images may be sent to a veterinary radiologist for further consultation. When this occurs, the final report may not be available for a few days

Is the technique affordable?
Although the initial cost of a scan may seem high, it has to be equated with the high cost of the equipment, the fact that specialized training is required in order to interpret the images, and a significant amount of time is involved in carrying out the examination. Its usefulness for pregnancy diagnosis, evaluation of the internal organs, assessment of heart function, and evaluation of certain eye diseases, make it an invaluable, non-invasive diagnostic tool to help protect to your pet’s well-being.

Naples veterinarian hospital

Wellness Care

Your pet deserves the best in veterinary care in Naples, Florida. Our local staff is dedicated to providing, not just emergency and urgent care, but ongoing wellness for your family pet.Animals of all kinds need consistent, regular professional medical attention throughout their lives. Veterinary wellness checkups enable you to help ensure that your pet receives the proper diagnostic, examination and preventative treatments necessary to ensure optimal health on a daily basis.

Annual Wellness 
When your pet gets their annual wellness checkup, here’s what you can expect. First your pet will be checked over in a general way that starts with a physical examination. This is done to help catch any potential obvious problems such as deformities, growths, areas of pain or discomfort, or motility issues.

During the visit, you’ll discuss your pet’s health at home, and you’ll have the opportunity to convey anything that may be concerning you, such as changes in behavior or appetite, or anything else that’s changed since the last visit. Your vet will also ask you specific questions in order to highlight common potential issues, as well as to get a better sense of the animal’s lifestyle at home.

Next, your pet’s file will be carefully reviewed, with an eye toward ensuring that all preventative treatments and any local government mandated animal treatments are brought up to date during the annual wellness checkup. These may include things like:

  • Vaccinations 
  • Inoculations 
  • Parasite control treatments

Wellness Services
Annual wellness checkups provide the chance for your pet to receive needed diagnostic procedures and treatment in a wide range of service areas. Additional services that may be conducted during your pet’s annual veterinary check up include items such as:

  • Microchipping
  • Dental examination and treatment
  • Spaying/neutering
  • Blood testing
  • Heartworm testing/treatment
  • Flea dipping
  • FIV testing
  • Parvo virus testing
  • and more

Wellness Checkups for Special Situations
Consistent wellness checkups are also crucial for pets that fall into special categories, such as aging pets and relatively newborns, like puppies and kittens.

Senior Pet Care
Older pets often develop a range of age-related issues, such as loss of appetite, mobility challenges and failing eyesight. Veterinary wellness checkups support the health aging of your beloved pet to help ensure quality of life for as long as possible.

Puppy and Kitten Care
At a minimum, you should strive to have your new puppy or kitten get a visit when they are about eight weeks of age. Early wellness checkup can reveal health conditions you should be aware of, as well as to build a baseline of health that can be used throughout your new pet’s life. In addition, if you’re a new pet owner, you can receive valuable advice and tips on caring for your young pet, such as tooth brushing techniques and parasite control.

These are just some of the many services and treatment options available during routine veterinary wellness checkups at Concierge Veterinary Hospital of Naples. We are dedicated to providing the most advanced care for your pet in Naples, Florida, and we can’t wait to be a part of your pet’s whole life health!

Naples veterinarian hospital